
New School Year 2012-2013

And, just like that, our Summer officially ended and the kids trickled back to school (Finn on Tuesday, Lucy on Wednesday).  Lucy started kindergarten and Finn second grade.  The bus came after lunch for Lucy, then brought both of them home after school.  I have been really looking forward to school starting and it has been nice having quiet in the afternoons.  Lucy gave me the run-down last night of her first day of kindergarten and I was cracking up to myself when she would interject, "...and then we did some more learning..." every so often (luh-ning is how she says it in her Brooklyn accent).  Finn is just enjoying wearing running shoes (one pair for school, one pair for P.E.) that he ties himself.  He told me yesterday he almost got into the "A" box in four-square.  It's going to be a great year for the both of them.  (Maybe now I can secretly de-clutter Lucy's room now that she'll be in school part of the day).

1 comment:

Lovely Lindsay said...

I just can't believe your little Lucy is already in Kinder. And just like that we're the parents of grown-ups. Happy back-to-school!!
Love, Lindsay