Nursing (Literally) Him Back to Health

We've got two sickies in the house today, Finn and Henry, and it's been a full day of administering medicine, wiping noses, calming cries, feeling foreheads, keeping the healthy kids off the sick ones, and keeping Netflix on steady. Lucy was out of school too, for a professional day, though she felt fine. As draining as it was, now that my brood is off sawing logs in dreamland, today was not that bad. It was sort of fulfilling, being needed and being able to help. I mean, I may not be the most mild-mannered person as we're rushing out the door in the morning, but I can wipe noses and give hugs. Oh, and change diapers. Today was sort of like the imaginary day a young girl plays out in her head, pretending to be a mommy, taking care of her children. And that's what it was. I kind of like this job I have.
We've got two sickies in the house today, Finn and Henry, and it's been a full day of administering medicine, wiping noses, calming cries, feeling foreheads, keeping the healthy kids off the sick ones, and keeping Netflix on steady. Lucy was out of school too, for a professional day, though she felt fine. As draining as it was, now that my brood is off sawing logs in dreamland, today was not that bad. It was sort of fulfilling, being needed and being able to help. I mean, I may not be the most mild-mannered person as we're rushing out the door in the morning, but I can wipe noses and give hugs. Oh, and change diapers. Today was sort of like the imaginary day a young girl plays out in her head, pretending to be a mommy, taking care of her children. And that's what it was. I kind of like this job I have.