

I got a call last night just after I got the ruffians to bed. It was the familiar voice of my friend and neighbor who I haven't seen in weeks (she's been travelling). In a few minutes, she was at my door with a white plastic bag and inside it: cake. But it wasn't just any cake. It was a single piece of dense, moist chocolate cake, smothered in a fountain of chocolate lava-esque frosting. It made my night. I felt so special unwrapping the plastic wrap from the white styrofoam clamshell box, uncovering the large-ish container of thick sweetened whipped cream, and then slapping huge dallops over the warm molten cake. I could picture some white-aproned kitchen hand preparing the cake for take-out, neatly and carefully wrapping it up, then placing it tidily in the bag. For the scores of offhanded negative vibes and comments I had dished out that day, I was recompensed a neatly packaged, lovingly delivered gift, just for me, just what I wanted. How unfair! I am not sure how I will ever repay those who help me out when I can't even help myself. I was reminded of the experience when I read later that night, "Nevertheless, I will bring you up again out of the depths of the sea..." (Ether 2:24). It was just that. The catalyst for my emergence from a bitter place. How do I merit such a huge blessing?

Sometimes I think I'll never have it figured out. But I keep receiving more than I give. Maybe someday I'll understand how it all works. Until then, I'm happy to eat chocolate cake and ponder on the matters that seem as big as the universe.


debfox said...

I like your ode to chocolate and the words of Ether. I'm glad you have wonderful friends who care about you. Simple pleasures and tender mercies are the real stuff of life.

dandee said...

Does your friend deliver to Washington?