
Restless Natives
It's one of those Fridays (translation: I'm ready for some time off). While I'm wrestling the natives today, I will be thinking about these things that I want to do really, really bad:
  • Learn how to make paper flowers
  • Go to Unique Thrift on the West Side
  • Start making advent calendars for the shop
  • Find a 10K to run this Fall
  • Make a chocolate cake
  • Find some good deals on cute clothes
  • Look for yard sales for tomorrow (the rain might put a damper on that one)
  • Find the perfect Fall boot: brown leather, please

Who do you think is going to last longer: me or the youngin's?

1 comment:

PRP said...

You can do it!

And I'd like a slice of your chocolate cake please.

And some brown leather boots.