
Life with Lucy

About two weeks ago, it was a Monday morning, Lucy woke up and turned my world upside down. It has been the Terrible Twos Intensified everyday since and I'm starting to think it's not going to get over anytime soon. She must do everything by herself and if you help her at all, say picking up a toy for her, she will put the toy back on the ground and then pick it up unassisted. Buckling the seatbelt: no help allowed. Putting on shoes: again, no help. Climbing into her crib: get away Mom. Everything is done solo by Lucy, even if it means it's performed super-slow, with interruptions (things like gum on the ground are extremely captivating to her and her hands must touch it), and may be hazardous (taking off her seatbelt while I'm driving). I must be getting used to it because it doesn't bother me as much anymore, and I haven't seen her behavior change one bit. I've gotten good at pulling the car over and spanking her when she takes her seatbelt off while I'm driving (she HATES it and I hate it almost as much, but it's the only thing that works). I think raising kids is more for me than for my kids. This whole Lucy Independent Phase is teaching me to not sweat the small stuff and to pick my battles. It's also teaching me that I should have appreciated the sweet phase of Lucy (was there ever one?) while it lasted. And, in her defense, she does unload the clean silverware, which I appreciate. Baby steps to letting go.... Baby steps to her in preschool.... Baby steps to her pottytraining.... Baby steps to getting through this phase.


The Elledges said...

I feel the same way about Jared. The last three weeks have been awful. I keep thinking maybe he's sick or didn't sleep well the night before or maybe its a stage.

In short I know how you feel. You need a vacation WITHOUT kids.

Emily Fox King said...

you can just put her in a box, throw in some baggies of fruit snacks and mail her to my address, I'll keep her as long as you like, with joy. call it "finishing school."

Deb said...

that little girl is a charmer. so cute. she is lucky to have you for a mommy. debfox

Whitney said...

i can hear her raspy little voice now. give her a hug and read her a story is what mom told me when hank was giving me fits. it worked.

love you. love her too.