
Tinkering and Tweaking

This morning I entered the "cave" (a small room in our basement where we store all kinds of equipment, boxes, and random stuff that we're not using at the moment) and lugged up this box.

Yes, I'm revamping. Everytime I get sick of looking at the same configuration of pictures, or am just plain tired of seeing the same old decor in my living space, I like to mix it up. Right now my house is in project mayhem mode, with lamps on the table, screwdrivers and a hammer on the dresser, and two rugs in my front room.

Change is so much fun! The only problem is once I get going, I can't stop. I'm pretty good about using what I have and just reshuffling it around my house, but buying more pretty stuff is alot of fun too. How do you balance buying new and using what you have? I would really like some feedback because I have been thinking about this alot lately.
Stay tuned for pictures of the changes!


Shells said...

I know this isn't the advice that you are probably looking for, but given our world's current economy, the grave possibilities that it will get worse, the fact that your husband is still in school and I'm assuming you have debt but no income, I wouldn't spend a DIME on any new furnishing or decorations. Like Mary Ann's stake, ours has been promoting "use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without."

tharker said...

I think it's great that you have a stash of cool decorating stuff within your own home that you can shift around.

With as much great stuff as you've got, I guess the question now is, do you need whatever it is that you're looking for to fill that space in your home, or can you use what you've got? (And I'm willing to bet that what you've got in that awesome stash is 10 times better than anything new you'd buy. Better quality, better looking...just all around better)

One thing that I love about you is your eye for decor. I also think you have such a talent for turning something old into some fresh and fabulous. I say if you're not happy with something you've got, revamp it, repaint it, whatever...it will feel like new again, and you haven't spent a penny! That's the best part.

I really need to take some lessons from you and your mom on refinishing old pieces because you're both so talented!!

Marilyn said...

You always inspire me with your thirst for change and re-arranging and re-furbishing. I get pretty content with the way things are and I think my home could use a little freshening up! Thanks for the inspiration.